Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Tail - sigh

Beryl's happy tail:-)

Beryl was extra pleased to see me when I got home from work tonight and this is the result!  
This is the second time Beryl has damaged her tail in the 3 1/2 months I've had her.  Thankfully this time it's just a little cut and I've only bandaged it up roughly (as you can see from the photo!) and I'm hoping that will suffice.  The first time she did it the house looked like a war zone, blood everywhere!!!  And I didn't know where it was coming from, lol.  Took me hours to wash the walls etc.  It's amazing where blood splatters can get.  And it took me a few attempts to design a protective covering that wasn't too painful for Frankie when she wacked his face with her tail, lol.  The joys of having a dog that has a boney tail and is happy. 

She was a right little madam to Frankie last night.  He was all set to hop on the couch with her and she gave a very low growl and he slunk off back to lie in front of the heater, giving ME the stink eye and pouting!  His way of telling me "This used to ALL mine, Beryl won't even share.  I've never growled at her"

Then at 5-30 this morning she snuggles up to him on their couch in the sunroom (that's Frankie's nose peaking out under the green jacket) like he's the greatest hot water bottle there ever was.  She so uses and abuses him, lol.  But he does love her and she loves him.
Kids on their couch
Well, seeing as they didn't get a walk today I better go and do something to amuse them.  I don't think it will be 'stay' training, that's not active enough for them.  Maybe lots of 'touch' working on finishes?  I'll think of something.


houndstooth said...

I love those little girls with the big attitudes, though!

jet said...

Barbie sometimes does that to Bender, just making sure he knows who is boss.

Michelle said...

We experienced happy tail with a foster dog about 2 months ago and we are still finding blood splatters. LOL!

whygreyhounds said...

Hope her tail heals well. Girls can be the photo of snuggling into bed!

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Happy tail can be a real pain!!! HOpe it heals quickly.

Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

Beryl says thank you to everyone for their good wishes:-) The bandage is still on tonight and blood isn't seeping out the bottom, yay. I'll take it off in a couple of days. And yes, she is bossy with an attitude but I love that. Frankie is getting used to it, lol.

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